How to pass a Watson-Glaser critical thinking test?


What is the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Test?

Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking is a complex and unique test, used to evaluate the critical thinking ability of a candidate. The test assesses a candidate based on how he understands the situation, analyzes his options and come up with the best possible course of action. The area of testing is based around; inferences, assumptions, deduction, interpretations, and evaluation of arguments.

How to Pass a Watson-Glaser test?

Let us look at some of the major aspects that need to be attended to, while you sit for the Watson-Glaser test;

Practice for the sake of learning

Watson-Glaser test is complex, and it challenges a candidate’s ability to think critically. While you are practising, keep your focus on learning. Practice for the sake of practice does not yield any result, whereas to practice for the sake of learning develops a gradual understanding of the thought process and help you in the longer term. You can practice the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test online with our extensive Watson Glaser Preparation Package.

Practice is also essential to familiarize yourself with the format of the test and helps you recognize the time constraints that have been put on the test. Working with the test, you will get a general overview of what you can expect, and recognize your weaknesses and strengths as well.

Brush up your English language skills

Watson-Glaser tests are categorized as verbal reasoning aptitude tests. You will be given passages for a thorough and quick scan for underlying logical statements, but that is only possible if you know what you are looking at. The passages are enriched with vocabulary and grammar rules. You will only be able to come ahead if your language skills are up to the mark and you are familiar with basic terminologies.

Read your questions carefully

It is highly advised that you read your questions carefully and do not skip any parts, no matter how small you think they are. Many candidates go on skimming the questions, skipping a few sentences here and there, leaving the information interpretation faulty. Try to really understand and interpret statements and questions. It is advised that you read your question at least two times, to make sure that you get a clear understanding of what is asked.

Use the Information Given in the statement

Watson-Glaser works within the premises of the statements provided, so no matter how better you think you know your field, and how much more you know about something, do not base your answer on your knowledge.

You may have many miles on the subject but Watson-Glaser is not a measure of knowledge, but a measure of critical thinking; answer the question well within the boundaries that have been set within the statement.

Using the information given is necessary, because, under critical thinking’s banner, a candidate will be assessed on how he perceives the information provided in the statement, analyzes it and draw conclusions.

Draw a logical map between Statements

While taking a Watson-Glaser remember that the passage provided has all the information that you need to draw conclusions, so start with reading carefully and make mental notes along the way, for the logical progression of the statement. To analyze a statement correctly, you have to draw a logical map of how all the statements are intertwined. By determining the governing logic, you can easily analyze whether the conclusion is correct or not.

This step may also require some knowledge of logical principles, arguments, fallacies etcetera as well.

Identify the context of the statements

Watson-Glaser test questions are often laced with multi-perspective scenarios, which in turn gives way to multi-perspective consequential data. This burden then falls on your shoulder to focus on the passages and recognize the context of the statements. A sound conclusion can only be drawn if the perspective is identified. Misinterpreting information will lead to a false conclusion, which you may think is alright, but in truth, it really is not.

To recognize the context of the questions, it is highly advised to read and re-read given the question, as it may be helpful in getting a better hold on data. With the right context in view, you will be able to deduce the sound conclusion earlier.

Beware of Contradictory Sentences

Watson-Glaser tests use a unique approach sometimes by inserting two contradicting statements in the same question. There may be a sentence that presents a train of thought, and another sentence that contradicts the previous sentence. These contradicting statements may be two adjoining sentences, hiding plain insight, or they may be kept apart in the text to make it more complicated, and difficult to be recognized.

You should be striving to identify such contradicting statements, that deft the rules of logic. The answer must be written after fully comprehending what the relationship between such statements is and why is it listed so.

Keep an eye on Double Negatives

To complicate things even more, double negatives could be incorporated in statements, which actually refers to a positive sentence. You should be aware of such combinations to make a sound judgment call.

Beware of the tricky words

Combining double negative with tricky words, you get an entirely new level of difficulty, which takes quite some time to decipher. Such statements need to be drawn on a logical map and assessed based on segmentation. By dividing each statement into segments, you can divide and conquer the conclusion phase.

Time Management

It is highly advised to give an equal amount of time to each and every question, without any rush. If you have taken some practice test, you may be able to keep time, owing to the fact that the general format will be known and you know what to expect. offers an extensive Watson Glaser Preparation Package that will get you ready for your Critical Thinking test!


Watson-Glaser test has been around for over 85 years, so you really cannot beat it without some serious practice. The path to success originates from practice for the sake of learning. So, try to understand the underlying principles and know your logic.

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Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Assesses the ability to differentiate between inferences, abstractions, and generalizations through applying logic.
  • 10 Tests
  • 126 Questions
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Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Assesses the ability to differentiate between inferences, abstractions, and generalizations through applying logic.
  • 10 Tests
  • 126 Questions
  • One-off payment