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Thomas International GIA


What is Thomas International?

Thomas International is a test provider specialized in intelligence and personality tests. They offer many different tests in two different packages. The first is the Thomas Skills test battery that involves over a 100 different test categories. The second is the Thomas General Intelligence Assessment (GIA). The GIA is a cognitive ability assessment assesses general intelligence instead of many other tests that measure specific abilities. 

The GIA consists of five different sections, offers a tailor-made package of tests especially made to mimic the tests in the GIA. By practicing with this package you will be fully prepared for your Thomas International assessment. offers a tailor-made package of tests especially made to mimic Thomas International tests. Start your training now to make sure that you’re fully prepared for your Thomas International assessment test!

What does the Thomas International Preparation Package include?

The Thomas International Preparation Package consists of:

  • GIA Number, Speed & Accuracy Test 
  • GIA Perceptual Speed Test 
  • GIA Reasoning Test 
  • GIA Spatial Visualization Test 
  • GIA Word Meaning Test

All of our practice tests come with extensive explanations and a description of how the questions can be solved. Furthermore, our Personal Progression System will help you track your progress and give a detailed view of your performances. This system will help you identify your stronger and weaker points and provides insight into your areas of development. The progression tool keeps track of your scores, test times and overall progress.

Start training now and get immediate access to the tests and practice 24/7 on your computer, phone or tablet!

GIA Number, Speed & Accuracy Test

This test assesses your speed and accuracy in mentally performing number tasks. In this test, you are presented with 3 numbers. The task is to find the number that differs the most from the middle number. So if the presented numbers are 11, 4 and 8, the right answer is 4 because 8 is the middle number, and 4 is further away from 8 than 11.


Example GIA Number, Speed & Accuracy Test question.

The correct answer to the example question above is C, 1.

The largest number is 8. The smallest number is 1. The remaining number is 5.

1 is further away from 5 than 8 is from 5. So the correct answer to the problem is 1


GIA Perceptual Speed Test

This test is designed to assess your ability to check certain sets of data in your head for inaccuracies as fast and accurate as possible. In this task, you will be presented with two sets of letters. One set consists of capital letters and the other of lowercase letters. Each letter forms a pair with letter beneath it. Your task is to identify the pair with two different letters as fast as possible.


Example GIA Perceptual Speed Test question.

The correct answer to the example question above is 2. Only the first two pairs are the same letters.


GIA Spatial Visualization Test

This test is designed to assess your ability to quickly manipulate mental objects. You are presented with a set of boxes, each containing two shapes in different positions. The task is to identify all the boxes that contain two shapes that are the same. The shapes can be mirror images of each other, therefore it is difficult to rotate the images in your head and compare them with each other.


Example GIA Spatial Visualization Test question.

The correct answer to the example question above is B, 1.

The images in the first pair are only rotated but the same, and the images in the second pair are mirrored thus it is not the same. The correct answer is that one pair is the same.


GIA Word Meaning Test

In this test, you are assessed in your vocabulary by your ability to spot the odd word out of a group of words. In each question, you are presented with three words. Two of these three words have the same meaning or are related in some way. Your task is to decide which word is the odd one out and has no relation to the other words.


Example GIA Word Meaning Test question.

The correct answer to the example question above is B, "Happy". 

Quiet and silent are synonyms and happy doesn't relate to those words.

GIA Reasoning Test

This test is a problem-solving test designed to assess your ability to draw logical conclusions, make inferences, reason from information and hold information in your short-term memory. In each question, you are presented with a statement about comparing two individuals. Following this, you are asked a question referring this statement.


Example GIA Reasoning Test question.

The correct answer to the example question above is A, Sara.

Why practice?

Practice makes perfect! You will see that through practice your performance will improve. Familiarizing yourself with psychometric tests is the first step to success. Through practice, you will get a clear picture of what these tests are, what they look like, what they measure, and what the testing conditions will be. is the go-to platform for certification practice, assessment/aptitude test training, and job application preparation. We offer tailor-made preparation packages with tests in the same style as the actual Thomas International assessment.

In addition to the fact that all our practice tests come with worked solutions and an explanation on how to get to the right answer, we offer you a unique Personal Progression Tracking System.

This Progression system will help you track your progress and give a detailed view of your performances. It will help you identify your stronger and weaker points and gives insight into your areas of development. The progression tool keeps track of your scores, test times and overall progression.

We offer you the tools to reduce anxiety and make sure you get the most out of yourself on the day of your certification, assessment test of job application interview! Research among our users showed that through practice your scores can improve up to 80%.

Over 96% of our customers would recommend Assessment-Training for practice.

Start training now and get immediate access to the tests and practice 24/7 on your computer, phone or tablet!

About is the market leader in online assessment preparation. With our continuous research and development, we provide a leading-edge e-learning platform. We keep improving our tests to deliver tests with the same standards of the latest tests of all the big assessment publishers. Our products help candidates complete their application fully prepared. Our goal is to help you get ready for your assessment, regardless the company, job, or level you are applying for!

To help you ace your Thomas International assessment we put together a preparation package, tailor made for your assessment. These tests contain the same questions you can expect in your actual assessment.

All practice tests come with worked solutions and an explanation on how to get to the right answer. Our Personal Progression System will help you track your progress and give a detailed view of your performances. Assessment-Training is more than just a training platform, we are here to help you!

Start training now and get immediate access to the tests and practice 24/7 on your computer, phone or tablet!

Improve your hiring chances by 81%.

Detailed instructions and worked solutions for every question. Prepare to succeed!

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Thomas International Preparation Package

Prepare with tailor-made practice tests and score reports to improve your performance and ensure your succes on the Thomas International tests!
  • 10 Tests
  • 200 Questions
  • One-off payment

